
We offer a variety of classes to meet the diverse interest. Each class is designed to challenge and inspire you, while helping you to develop strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Our classes are open to all ages and levels of experience. We believe that yoga is a journey of self-discovery, and we are committed to helping you on that journey. Whether you are looking to build strength, reduce stress, or simply find more balance in your life, we have a class that is right for you.

Saara Ashtanga Yoga Maastricht
Ashtanga led class

A dynamic and physically demanding style of yoga.

Saara Backbending Yoga Maastricht
Hatha flow

Traditional Hatha Yoga combined with vinyasa flow.

yoga pose hip opener yogastudio
Spicy Classes

Dynamic, ever changing spicy flows! Every time a different theme

Saara Yin Yoga Maastricht
Yin Yoga

A calmer form of yoga, which incorporates principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Morning Vinyasa
Energizing flow

Kickstart for your day! Powerful morning practice.

Morning Vinyasa

Energizing Flow

Kickstart your day! This practice blends breath, playful movement, and mindfulness to awaken your body and mind.

In this flow, we’ll awaken our inner power with dynamic flow.  Playful, powerful movement prepares us for our day ahead. Through focused movement and breath, we’ll gain a deeper connection to our emotional state, leaving us feeling more centered and grounded.

This class is designed to get your energy flowing and leave you feeling grounded. It’s a powerful way to wake up and set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic and physically demanding style of yoga that emphasizes breath and movement. It is often referred to as “power yoga” because of its emphasis on strength and flexibility.

The practice typically begins with the opening sequence of sun salutations, followed by a series of postures that are performed in a specific order. Each posture is synchronized with the breath to create a continuous and flowing movement. This helps to build heat in the body, increase cardiovascular endurance, and promote flexibility and strength.

Ashtanga yoga is also known for its emphasis on the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga, with a focus on self-discipline, focus, and the cultivation of inner awareness. This style of yoga also encourages practitioners to develop a daily practice, encouraging the students to be consistent and dedicated to the practice. Ashtanga yoga is a demanding and rigorous practice, but also is a very rewarding style, which can bring changes on the physical and mental state of being.

Saara Ashtanga Yoga Maastricht
Saara Backbending Yoga Maastricht

Hatha flow 

 Traditional Hatha Yoga combined with vinyasa flow. and Practice that blends breath, traditional yoga movement to rejuvenate your body and mind. This class is all about finding balance and harmony within yourself, inspired by Hatha.

In Hatha Flow Yoga, we focus on traditional dynamic sequences that promote flexibility, strength, and inner peace.  This flow seamlessly takes you from one pose to the next. We’ll explore a variety of asanas.

By the end of the class, you’ll feel more connected to your body, more in tune with your breath, and more at peace with yourself.

Hatha Flow  is more than just a physical workout; it’s a holistic experience that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit. Join us on the mat and discover the tranquility and vitality that come from within.

Spicy classes


Dynamic pop-up sessions that bring a fresh theme every time! Get ready to dive into juicy flows that challenge and invigorate. From arm balancing and strengthening to hip mobility, inversions, and advanced back bending, each class offers a unique experience designed to push your limits and enhance your practice. Check out the schedule for our ever-changing themes and join us for a spicy adventure on the mat!

yoga pose hip opener yogastudio
Saara Yin Yoga Maastricht


Yin Flow Yoga

A calmer form of yoga, which incorporates principles of traditional Chinese medicine, where the unity of Yin and Yang principles is the foundation of the harmony of our world.

We need both Yin and Yang energies to live a healthy and balanced life, therefore Yin Yoga is a perfect occasion to balance out the more dynamic yoga practices and other physical activities. Holding asanas passively for 2-5 min will help us connect to our bodies on a deeper level.

This will help you target the connective tissues (fascia) of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. It will also help you to slow down and be present.

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